The program at the Sober 4 Life is directed toward helping our residents develop the sobriety skills needed to maintain a long-term, contented, drug-free lifestyle.
The primary focus is integration into a structured living environment. Residents learn how to utilize a peer support system made up entirely of fellow residents in recovery. During this time, counseling focuses on identifying any situational issues which may have predisposed the onset of your chemical addiction. These issues include being an adult child of an alcoholic (ACOA), self-esteem, abuse, grief, and other related issues
Once you have demonstrated the ability to rely on your peers to process life struggles, you are ready to move onto the next step. During this time, you are aided in expanding your new-found skills of peer reliance into the larger support groups of A.A./N.A. Counseling now focuses on helping you address the issues and wreckage associated with drug and alcohol abuse. This includes interpersonal relationships with family, employment, legal, and financial responsibilities.
You are taught leadership skills and become a mentor to newly arriving clients. You also begin preparations to have in place the necessary support needed to afford long lasting, contented sobriety after your discharge.

Individual Plan
Each resident’s recovery plan is different however, a new resident must commit to minimum predetermined period of residency in a S4L home. The initial term of residency varies with each resident’s needs and you may stay in residency for up to eighteen months.
Immediate Peer Support
All residents of S4L homes attend house meetings together as well as outside recovery meetings. Residents assist each other in developing the skills needed to develop a drug and alcohol free lifestyle.
Support for Addiction-Related Problems
Family stress and legal problems can pose challenges during a resident’s recovery. S4L supports and assists residents in family matters. Support is also offered to aid a resident in meeting its legal obligations to the Courts. Letters may be written on a resident’s behalf and provided to the Court and probation officers.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
The S4L provides a safe and secure living environment free from alcohol and drugs. In order to protect our residents, drug and alcohol testing is performed a minimum of two times a week by a private testing laboratory to ensure compliance.