CJO House

What Comes After Rehab? CJO House Does!
We Promote Your Sobriety
From the Founder:
"As the founder of Sober 4 Life Inc., a nonprofit IRC Section 501(c)(3) organization, I am committed to helping men and women suffering from addiction. Alcohol and drug addiction are diseases that affect individuals across all social classes. I became involved in my older brother's struggle with addiction when I became the primary support system for his battle with heroin. I first began to act as support for my older brother in his the journey of recovery when I was in 7th grade. This is when he moved home to Massachusetts. Even though I was young, I was the only support he would accept at the time. My brother and I had a very rough 3 years of struggling with his addiction until October 10th 2014 when he decided to get clean. That was his birthday gift to me. The life he lived in recovery was remarkably different than the life that he had been living. He attributed his continued success to living in a sober living home with a clean and sober lifestyle for over a year. As a result, I felt compelled to dedicate my efforts to helping others with addiction. After being in recovery for 2 years, my brother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. My brother's battle with addiction and stage 4 cancer inspired me to start a nonprofit organization to assist recovering alcoholics and drugs addicts. I open this sober home in his honor and name because he was too ill too do so himself. Despite my brother's determination to live, after a hard-fought two year battle with cancer, my brother passed on September 17, 2018. Throughout this journey, I learned a lot about addiction and felt as if I couldn’t have this knowledge and not help other people. My sober living home bears my brother's name to encourage others like him to fight through their addiction and regain control over their lives. I intend to continue to offer my assistance to those individuals who are struggling with addiction. "
"My goal is to develop a sober residential living environment where residents can focus on their Nutrition & Fitness. Research shows that those recovering from addiction have greater success when fitness and nutrition are part of their recovery plan. CJO House is a Certified Sober Home that does just that. We are proud to be entering its sixth year of offering support to recovering drug addicts and alcoholics."
"If you wish to assist in my mission, become one of our sponsors TODAY, so that we can continue to provide our residents with a recovery plan that focuses on their fitness and nutrition and provide them with the best possible opportunities for recovery. We need and appreciate your help! Please go to our Donations & Sponsors tab or feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]."
~Shawna Charla~
What Sober 4 Life Offers
CJO House is a men's sober living community that offers a healthy living environment for people like my brother who are committed to getting back on track to a healthy, productive and happy life. The home offers a structured, therapy-oriented living environment for recovering male addicts who are serious about learning to develop a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle.
We believe a very necessary part of fighting opioid and other addictions is the availability of an Enhanced Model of Sober Living Residence to all men and women in recovery. Medical Insurance only pays for a limited amount of residential rehabilitation. The average length residential rehabilitation covered by health insurance is two to four weeks. The cost for an individual’s stay at a rehabilitation facility range from $2,500 a week to $8,000 a week or $12,000 for each rehabilitation attempt. Sober living residences are operated at a far lower cost than rehabilitation facilities, but unfortunately, they are still private pay.
Our Enhanced Model of Sober Living supports the belief that sober living residences with nutrition and fitness programs are more effective than the current alternatives. Enhanced Sober Living Residences are needed for those being released from detox and rehab and are necessary for the recovering addict or alcoholic’s long-term success. These types of residences are a key factor in stopping the circular and repetitive pattern of relapse and treatment. Most people need at least three to six months in treatment or sober living residency to achieve abstinence. The Sober 4 Life Enhanced Model is a sober living residence that has achieved remarkable results and has so far reduced the relapse rate of its residents dramatically. The significant reduction in relapse rates support the belief that the added focus of Nutrition & Fitness for recovering addicts and alcoholics improves success rates significantly.
Individual Accomplishments
The philosophy at the S4L can be summed up this way: individual accomplishment through cooperative living. Everyone at the house knows what it feels like to be you, because they recently were you. Sober for two weeks or ten years, living is still one day at a time.
The mission of S4L is to inspire individual accomplishments in a co-operative living arrangement. Everyone at S4L homes knows what it feels like to be entering the initial stage to real living because they have all been where you are. Although some more recent than others whether you are sober for two weeks or ten years, living is still one day at a time. Upon completion and discharge from the S4L residential program, a resident will be capable of integrating socially, psychologically, and financially into a drug and alcohol-free life.
Cooperative Living Arrangement
Alcohol and Drug Free
As a resident of an S4L home, you are expected to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery meetings. Integration into these support groups is monitored by trained personnel. Residents are afforded an immediate support network with other recovering male addicts in the home.
While offering services similar to a halfway house, S4L homes are unique in that we offer self-pay program which teaches our residents basic life skills and financial responsibility for their own treatment. Residents learn to utilize new-found sobriety skills to reverse the destruction caused by the resident’s addiction.
It's not always easy - no one promises it is - but S4L sober homes offer the tools and the time you need to set your life on the right path to a fruitful and positive life. Many men before you have done it and have a successful future in their hands. You can do it, too. The choice is yours.
Amazon Smile
Please support our organization by using "Amazon Smile" when you shop on Amazon. Remember to log in to smile.amazon.com to shop! Your participation will help us reach our goals and is greatly appreciated!
Explore the contents of this site to learn more about the S4L program. If you have any questions about our homes, our house requirements, and/or the program, please contact Sober 4 Life at (508) 699-2500 or send an email to [email protected]. Our friendly, caring staff is available to speak with you.

Member since 2016

S4L is a Non-Profit Organization

Member from 2017 -2019